Get to know Michel Smith Boyd of HGTV’s Luxe for Less and Rock the Block
We’re excited to have Michel Smith Boyd appearing at the Johnson County Home + Garden Show Friday, January 24 at 6 p.m. and Saturday, January 25 at 2 p.m.! Get to know a bit more about Michel and his unique style with our exclusive Q&A session.

Are you a plant fanatic, or is your green thumb lacking?
My green thumb never grew. I’ve sent more orchids to plant heaven than anyone I know. Fresh cut flowers are my best bet. I did however start the new year with two new house plants…fingers crossed.
What’s in your bag?
I’m obsessed with dental floss. I’m convinced that my teeth collect food as a competitive sport. I have no choice. I’m simply cannot enjoy a meal outside of my home and expect to smile post consumption, without flossing.
What’s your favorite HGTV series?
It’s definitely “Rock the Block”. I’ve competed twice and each time I left the competition a better designer than when I entered. The bonds forged on the Block are lifelong.
In your opinion what’s the most underrated tool in your toolbox?
My favorite tool, hands down, is my level. I’m a self-proclaimed whiz at hanging pictures perfectly in one take! My level and I are currently undefeated at hanging galleries. Blank walls beware.
Tips for incorporating a new design trend into your home?
Regarding 70’s style infiltrating 2025, I’d apply my rules for fashion. In most cases, the bigger the investment, the more classic the finish. I typically only accessorize with what’s trending. For example, a turquoise pull on a walnut cabinet door is a nod to what’s currently happening with buttons/closures on outerwear in fashion. The trend expressed via hardware is a fresh direction for interior design and easily changed as our style evolves.

Best home purchase for under $100?
I insist on incorporating a little romance into each day, and tea time has become a ritual. That said, an electric tea kettle has become my fav household gadget under $100. It’s a little old and a little new, but definitely essential.
What’s your favorite paint color?
My favorite paint color is without a doubt Egret White from Sherwin Williams. It’s one of those “whole house” colors that we use for walls and ceilings alike and works as the perfect backdrop for setting most moods.
What do you recommend as a rule of thumb for mixing patters or materials (i.e metals) in design and décor projects?
Pattern mixing isn’t for the faint at heart, but it is one of my favorite interior design indulgences. I build from the pattern that I love the most and feels the most timeless (like a striped wallpaper). It’s important to have varying scales among patterns, use color to unify the design, and include well placed solids for balance.
Ideas for a home-themed hostess or thank you gift?
The perfect gift idea for any hostess is one that takes their future guests experiences to the next level. I love cloth napkins. Of course black and white are staples, but bold colors not only create visual experiences, but also creates opportunities for color stories with florals, place settings and everything else dining decor.
When you design a room, what is the most important interior design advice you give?
My most honest advice for any renovation or update is to start with research. Most homeowners are surprised at just how much their inspiration rooms costs to execute. Going into your project clarity, allows us to focus energies on making the biggest impact with the resources available. In design, there’s always a course to the desired outcome.